Participate Reflection

Consider the following standards:

(from iNacol, the International Association for Online Learning, publishes Standards for Quality Online Teaching)

  • Standard C: The online teacher plans, designs, and incorporates strategies to encourage active learning, application, interaction, participation, and collaboration in the online environment.
  • Standard E: The online teacher models, guides, and encourages legal, ethical, and safe behavior related to technology use.
  • Standard J: The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ success.

How has the Participate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? For each standard, link to or provide specific examples from your work in Participate.
The Participate module was very helpful and provided insightful information specific to helping students develop into digital citizens. The extensive resources throughout the module will be particularly beneficial as many provide ideas for dialogues, student activities, responsible internet use and safe habits to practice while on the computer.

What strategies will you take away from the Participate module and apply to your teaching? Explain why.
I’ve been a part of various digital learning communities for several years and realize there are a lot of features that appeal to students. However I’ve never utilized them much in my classrooms except for portable learning object creation and lesson sourcing. Having students become more involved with these communities would be an effective way to increase learning in the classroom. Students would get a chance to interact with others, gain writing experience and also increase subject expertise.
Link to information about my chosen digital learning communities:

What lessons were most beneficial for you? Explain why.
The section about digital safety and digital footprint were most beneficial and provided new information for me. The Trillion Dollar Footprint video was particularly eye-opening and would be a good lesson introduction for students.
Link to information about digital security awareness and tips: