Communicate Reflection

In looking at the Standards for Quality Online Teaching, the Communicate module provided helpful resources and insights to stay compliant and become a more effective educator. Overall the Communicate module was very helpful and gave unique and efficient methods for instruction delivery and building feedback objects.

Standard C: The online teacher plans, designs, and incorporates strategies to encourage active learning, application, interaction, participation, and collaboration in the online environment. The variety of synchronous classroom tools allow for an endless variety of solutions for online classroom engagement. Posing questions before the live class session starts is a great ice-breaker combined with requiring video and camera interaction.

Standard D: The online teacher promotes student success through clear expectations, prompt responses, and regular feedback. The Communicate module has prepared me by showing resources that are available for making digital feedback files and creation of rubrics. Evernote is a robust note-taking tool which allows for audio file sharing.

Standard E: The online teacher models, guides, and encourages legal, ethical, and safe behavior related to technology use. Using Common Sense Media and Digital Citizenship sites, continual learning can take place on the best methods to model to students on technology use.

Standard J: The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ success. An initial communication plan needs to be put into place and fundamental questions asked such as: who is being communicated to, why are they being communicated to and how (newsletter, phone call, email, etc.). Other considerations include establishing the key messages and ensuring the messages are communicated clearly and consistently.

Standard K: The online teacher arranges media and content to help students and teachers transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment. Strategies to use for this standard include the newsletter creation tools and audio file format site. These easy and free resources are a unique way to capture students’ attention and increase learning.

Answer in a complete paragraph response: How has the Communicate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? Link to or provide specific examples from your work in Communicate. What strategies will you take away from the Communicate module and apply to your teaching?  What lessons were most beneficial for you?

Standard C: The communicate module helped me prepare to meet this standard specifically because of Section 2: Communication in the Online Classroom. The section on synchronous sessions was specifically insightful and ways to use this include having a class interact together- writing, drawing, commenting -on a Powerpoint, watching a TED or educational video together or participating in a Zoom classroom session or demonstration.

Standard D: The communicate module helped me prepare to meet this standard specifically because of  Section 3: Communicate as Feedback. This lesson showed the value of giving students with personal, real-time, individualized attention while also providing various tools for giving the feedback. Below is a screenshot taken from the Digital Feedback module.

Standard E: The communicate module helped me prepare to meet this standard specifically because of Section 1:Communication Standards. Particularly beneficially was the section on communication laws, which covered copyright, fair use practices and global citizenship in detail.
Campus Suite site’s information was extremely eye-opening as well covering the topic of FCC guidelines.

Standard J: The communicate module helped me prepare to meet this standard specifically because of Section 2: Communication in the Online Classroom. The various resources can help with the creation of fun and unique methods of communicating with most being easy and quick to create. The section showed the importance of communicating with ALL stakeholders; not just the students but parents/guardians and admin. Below is an example of a newsletter made with

Standard K: The communicate module helped me prepare to meet this standard specifically because of Section 2: Communication in the Online Classroom.  The benefits and features of synchronous learning highlighted included how to use this classroom format for assessing students and eliciting more in-depth engagement.