Participate 1 – Ideal Digital Learning Communities

What would be needed to bring an ideal learning community to fruition?
In developing a learning community the first step would be to determine the content, focus and subject matter. A team of contributors would need to be in place with credentials and expertise that could help develop and write content and assets. Another step in creation of the digital community is the technical details such as the creation of a well-designed site that would be accessible to all members of the community. This would include all members that may have disabilities, such as vision or hearing disabilities. It would be important for the site to have a mobile responsive design as more people are using the web on a large number of platforms. Multimedia and appealing, active, modern photos are an important part of the site as well. This multimedia would need to include videos and downloadable materials for users.

What can one do to make an existing DLC more attractive to and welcoming for students and teachers?
A rewards system with badges or other types of credentials and professional development credit are appealing and make a DLC stand out from others. Tutorials and an abundance of downloadable material combined with resources and relevant news also increase the quality.