Participate 4 – Digital Health

1. How did you modify your technology habits? 
Establishing a schedule and committing to it is the fundamental way to modify technology habits. Other guidelines include not using cellphone during date nights/social events or after 9:00 pm.

2. What is the most proactive means of ensuring the most balanced blend of technology and well-being? 
The best blend of technology and well-being is including an ergonomic computer set-up in the home office or where the computer is used, making time for exercise and essential stretching throughout the day. Setting up time restrictions for technology use is a good rule to follow as well.

3. What can students and teachers do to make sure they get the most from technology while simultaneously safeguarding good health?
Beside taking breaks, stretching, getting away from the computer and allowing for interaction with others, the workstation arrangement is important as well. This includes:
Monitor position-If the monitor is too high, a viewer will tilt their head to view it, causing headaches or neck pain.
Keyboard position-One that’s not positioned correctly can lead to discomfort in your wrists, and over time cause strain.
Chair height-An improperly adjusted chair may cause lower back or leg pain.

Following is an example of my calendar with color-coded tasks. It’s easy to see the large amount of computer time spent during the day. Breaking it into chunks with yoga, stretching or pilates breaks helps maintain physical health.